

  • Department of Computer Science, Brown University, Sep. 2019 - May 2021 (expected)
  • School of Computer Science, Fudan University, Sep. 2015 - Jul. 2019
  • Queens’ College, University of Cambridge, Jul. 2017 - Aug. 2017


  • Programming Languages: Python, C/C++, SQL, Qt/PyQt, LATEX, MATLAB, Java, JavaScript, HTML/CSS
  • Operating Systems: Unix/Linux, Windows
  • Software: Hadoop, Spark, TensorFlow, Vim, Git, Wireshark
  • Languages: Native in Chinese Mandarin, proficient in English


Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (MCM-ICM) here

  • Meritorious Winner (top 13%)
  • Objective: We chose Problem D, a practical question of optimizing arrangement of Tesla chargers and predicting the development of different kinds of chargers, with the application of Genetic Algorithm for optimization and Cellular Automation for prediction based on the results from different regression models.

Core Courses

  • COMP120006 | Programming
  • COMP130135 | Object Oriented Programming
  • COMP130004 | Data Structure
  • COMP130067 | Computer Theory and System
  • COMP130010 | Introduction to Database Systems
  • COMP130110 | Operating Systems
  • COMP130017 | Data Communication and Computer Network
  • COMP130015 | Software Engineering
  • COMP130014 | Compilers
  • COMP130069 | Introduction to Cryptography
  • COMP130011 | Algorithm Design and Analysis

Selected Courses

  • MATH120016 | Mathematical Analysis BI
  • MATH120017 | Mathematical Analysis BII
  • COMP130006 | Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
  • COMP120004 | Linear Algebra
  • COMP130149 | Set Theory and Graph Theory
  • DATA130008 | Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • COMP130131 | Operations Research
  • SOFT130068 | Management Information Systems
  • COMP130071 | Network Attacks and Countermeasures

Selected Course Projects

Mini Bitcoin

  • Created an implementation of multi-threading mini Bitcoin wallet, supporting most of Bitcoin protocols including block structure, block mining, transaction, verification. HTTP protocol was used to connect and set up P2P networks.

Minijava Compiler Frontend (Cooperation)

  • Created a compiler frontend for Minijava, supporting the generation of both Parse tree and Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).

Gomoku (Five-in-a-row) agent Pickle

Encrypted Online Shopping Mall

  • Created a totally functional, multi-threaded online shopping mall system with DES encryption and GUI, supporting login, registration, purchasing, query, charging, broadcast, etc.

JOS Kernel

  • Finished the completion of JOS kernel as the project of MIT 6.828

Chinese Parser Using HMM and CRF

  • Finished two Chinese sentence parsers using HMM and CRF with satisfying precisions

Online Banking System (Cooperation)

  • Developed a totally functional banking system with GUI and website, supporting login, registration, deposition, withdrawal, query, etc.

Online Courses